How to get mold off clothes & fabric

First, let’s see where and in what conditions we store our clothes. Usually it is in the cabinets and drawers close to each other. Even if one thing is poorly dried after washing will lie in a closed space, as there appears a humid microclimate and mildew stains. On this page you will see a guide for clothes mold removal.

Why there is mold on clothes

If you do not immediately notice the mildew spots on clothes, and it managed to grow on a large area of tissue, this means that the fungus is already deeply penetrated into the fibers. Sometimes there are irreversible processes, mold has nothing to bring. The tissues are starting to rot. A sign of this are the black mold spots on clothes. Mold does not occur in a dry place and where there is good ventilation. High humidity is the most comfortable environment for the emergence of mold mycelium.

How to get mold off clothes

f mold has appeared on your favorite things, do not rush to throw the product. Here you’ll find out how to remove mold stains from clothes. Of course, the easiest way to do it is with dry cleaning or chemistry, but if you do not have such a possibility or you are allergic to cleaning products, you can remove mildew from fabric without bleach with the help of some folk ways.

Lemon juice

If the white fabric can be saved by boiling, the color ones with unstable dyes is better to be treated with lemon juice.

Important! Mold is afraid of acidic environment and will not reproduce in it.

Remove mold lemon juice can be as follows:

  1. On the spots of mold put a few drops of lemon juice and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then sprinkle with salt and allow to dry.
  3. After that, be sure to wash clothes in the washing machine with powder or gel.


To remove mold on the fabric, hydrogen peroxide can be used. Before use, it is desirable to check the effect on the inconspicuous area of tissue. If the fabric has not changed color, you can safely apply peroxide to the fungus for half an hour. After the time, wash clothes.


For colored clothing can be used ammonia:

  1. The solution should be applied to the spots, wait 10-15 minutes. That’s enough time for the fungus spores to die.
  2. The clothes should then be washed in the washing machine.


Attention! Before using ammonia, it is necessary to check how the solution acts on the dyed fabric.

Removal mold stains in fabric

Natural fabrics are difficult to process to remove mold. They have a loose weave and a weak fiber. Spores of the fungus penetrate deep inside and multiply rapidly there.

Removal of mold from wool and silk

Wool and silk fabrics are best suited chemical treatment. If you cannot take things to the dry cleaner, you can try to remove the mold stain with turpentine or ammonia:

  1. Wet the cloth with liquid and gently treat the contaminated area.
  2. After that, sprinkle on top of a small amount of cosmetic clay.
  3. Heat the fabric with a hot iron through clean paper.
  4. When the stain dries, gently wash in warm water with soap.

How to remove mold stains from cotton fabric

Things made of linen and cotton are perfectly cleaned of mold with a simple solution of salt:

  1. In this solution, for the best effect, you can add a few drops of ammonia.
  2. The prepared mixture should be applied to the affected area and wait a few minutes.
  3. After the thing should be thoroughly washed using powder and rinse several times.

How to get mold out of curtains

Synthetic fabrics are also subject to the destructive action of the fungus. In this case, experienced Housewives use ammonia:

  1. In a small amount of water, dilute a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Moisten the cotton pad with the resulting solution and treat the mold spots.
  3. Then the product is washed on the hands or in the washing machine with gel or powder.

Removing mildew stains from leather products

Mold spores on leather products mainly come from the street, rarely move from other household items. The skin is cleaned with the same means as other fabrics. To the skin can and should be applied mechanical action, as it is quite a dense material.

  1. First, the product is well dried and cleaned of dirt.
  2. Prepare a soap solution and brush medium hardness begin to process mold stains. The same solution can be prepared with ammonia.
  3. At the end, just wash off the remnants of warm water and dry thoroughly again.

Mold on fabric and clothing is harmful to human health. It can not only cause allergic reactions and skin rashes, but also provoke asthma, eczema and other diseases. Its spores mold affects the respiratory tract and poisons a person from the inside. Therefore, it is necessary as soon as possible to get rid of mold on clothes and in the apartment and continue to prevent its occurrence. So now you know how to remove mildew stains from anywhere and learned how to kill mold on fabric without bleach.

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