When you start designing a closet begin with a tutorial. Today many sites offer free to try yourself being a designer. Choose variants of shelving, racks for shoes, accessories boxes. We recommend you to make a scratch of your future ready-made closet. However, you may use other closet and storage concepts given online.
Choose a walk-in or a reach-in closet system. If your house is large enough you should better pick up a variant of a walk-in closet. Designing a closet room, take into account that your wardrobe will grow with time. Some clothes will appear, you will buy more shoes and apparel. That is why leave extra space for storages and boxes where you will place your shoes, belts, accessories. Buy several large buckets for “season” clothes. Store winter clothes there in summer time, and keep summer skirts and t-shirts when winter comes. If your house has some “extra” rooms you do not use, you may use one room as a closet. Designing a closet system will help you getting rid of a chaos in your life. Get rid of the items you do not need any more.
Place on the upper shelves the boxes for hats and on the lower level- the shoes racks. Buy several garment bags to keep your fur coats and night dresses there. Use your fantasy, and in a couple of days your closet will be ready. Do not be afraid to experiment – closet systems may be updated often.
Gallery of Starting designing a closet – work and fun

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