Store your clothes safely in closet garment bags

Ideally your closet should be big enough to store all the clothes you have, but if not, use closet garment bags. Unlike plastic bags, which are easily get rumbled and dirty, canvas closet garment bags will store your evening dresses and fur coats safe. The best closet garment bags, available at Amazon marketplace, save your clothes (from wool and fur) from moths.

Garments bags are designed to store your clothes outside the closets. Before placing your coats, suits or dresses into a garment bag, be sure your clothes are clean. Otherwise the spots and track of food on the clothes’ surface will attract moths, mold and will cause undesirable damage of the things. You are recommended to place sachet bags with anti-moth filling into the garment bags with stored stuff inside, especially if the clothes units are made from natural materials – wool, fur, even cotton. Honey-Can-Do closet garment bags storage units are offered at Amazon and Ebay marketplaces. They may be either transparent or solid.

At Target all customers are offered to buy a very convenient Design Trend hanging long garment store bag, made from canvas and wood. The unit is designed for organizing and storing your things (long dresses and robes, fur coats). It features a zipper and hooks to hang extra clothes in. The storage looks like a closet, but does the work of a garment bag.

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